Monday, December 3, 2012

Make-Up (for Journal 3): What Has Happened to Lindsay Lohan?

A Lindsay Lohan Classic, Freaky Friday, Courtesy of All Movie Photo
It started with Parent Trap and ended with Freaky Friday.  Now I'm sure I missed many before, in between, and after, but to me, these two movies have always been favorites of mine.  In Parent Trap, Lohan plays a young, innocent girl who finds out she has a twin while away at summer camp.  During Freaky Friday after opening a fortune cookie, she wakes up in her mom's body the next day.  I don't know what it was about both of these movies that I loved so much.  Or maybe it was Lohan herself.  I thought she was a good actress, at least at the time I did.

Today, it seems every time we hear something about Lindsay Lohan, it is not a positive comment.  Normally it has to do with her and I hate to say it, jail.  The article, "The Lindsay Lohan Story Now Involves Boy Bands, Psychics and Gypsies, as it Must" written by Sean O'Neal was no different.  In the article I had read, it discussed how Lohan behaved and how because of the amount of alcohol contained it caused her to say and do some things a person in their right mind would not say. Or would they? Lohan was accused of hitting Tiffany Mitchell who happens to be a psychic.  Lohan took things too far when she called Mitchell "a f****** gypsy."

I read this article and just shake my head.  Last week I blogged about a Sesame Street character who has been having underage sex.  This week we hear about Lohan drinking too much and acting out by making a fool out of herself by the words that she has chosen to use.  Five to ten years ago, I would have never imagined either of these things possible.  If someone would have told me that Lindsay Lohan, the actress of some of my favorite movies, could do and say such hateful things, I would have never believed it.  It is sad to say, that it seems now more than ever, we continue to hear about actors and actresses that can't handle the spotlight and who once used to be such big idols, are now stars that are frowned upon for their inappropriate behavior.  Over the past couple years, I think this problem has continued to grow.  You always hear about celebs doing things that you could have never imagined.  If it is this bad already now, how bad will it be in a couple years?  Those celebrities that we "look up to" are supposed to be our role models, not in the news because of what they have done wrong.,89302/

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